2017 Finale Video

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Game Changer

2012 been an interesting year so far for my family and I. Lincoln started steriods at home and has had some expected changes in his behavior. Fortunatly he never had too much of a temperature or swelling like the first month, but he had plenty of ups and downs emotionally as his body endured this round of chemotherapy.  He has been detoxing this weekend and its been like fingernails on a chalkboard at times but he is getting through it. He has one more week back on with the same dose and then we will find out more about the treatment plan. Its so hard to see 6 months down the road when you first face something that you never thought could happen, but here we are and in 6 more months he will be able to live somewhat of a normal life again. The doctor, the hospital and all of the people praying have our thanks forever, but we will still need your help as long as there is the smallest chance that he could relapse. I read about kids all over the country who have have major things happen with the same type of leukemia that Lincoln has and I know that anything is possible. Now that we have gone through the worst part of treatment we want the best to come.

My daughter has been suffering a lot of anxiety this last month. Emma is 7 1/2 and is in the 2nd grade at the school nearby. She has been riding the bus for a couple years but has been asking for a ride since before Christmas. I don't know what has brought it all on exactly since she seemed ok for the 8 weeks before Christmas when Lincoln was going to the hospital every other week. Now she says she can't breath and thinks she is going to die, but we think most of this is just an act. She thought her throat was burning awhile back but we took her to the doctor to have her checked but the tests came back negative. She has also been sleeping in our room for a few weeks now, but I am also back in Lincolns room by request every night.

It feels like the weather last month where it didn't rain much at all, but there was a heavy constant fog that was keeping us from navigating through all of this clearly. I try to keep my focus on the fact that it is a new year and there are so many kids that I need to help capture the world's attention.

Today I saw something that seemed to lift the fog for at least awhile. I was watching the NFL playoffs and even though my favorite team wasn't playing, I was routing for my favorite players. This one player, whom I won't mention by name, was praying for a win against a team that had won the Superbowl a few times. I was routing for him because I found out he has a foundation called the Tim Tebow Foundation. This quarterback of the Denver Broncos, whose name I won't mention, has visited a couple of kids that I know who have cancer and I saw the pictures of them Tebowing while Chemoing. I was just thinking to myself how great it would be for these kids to see their favorite player win the football game and how much it would be a Game Changer in their therapy to help them fight their disease. Not many high profile players would do as much as he did with all of their fame and glory, but he did.....and now Aaron Rogers and the Green Bay Packers can win the Superbowl for me.....but until then I hope to see more of this unmentioned player and be able to say with my son IT'S TEBOW TIME!!

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