2017 Finale Video

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

As Thanksgiving approaches and kicks off the Holiday season I am "making a list and checking it twice" for all of things I am thankful for. The first thing that comes to mind,
as I sit here inside my house, is the roof over my head because it has rained about an inch this morning alone. My life has had some dramatic twists and turns this year, but I know that I will always be able to come home at night where it is warm and dry. I see homeless people everyday outside and I can't imagine my life as it is without a place to call home.

Of course I could not have a home without a job and work to do, and believe me I have a lot of work to do in a short amount of time. I have over 2000 hours this year which is a normal full time job, so a few days off in the slow season are nice to have for a break. When my son was born in 2008, we had 12" of snow and I was off of work for half of December, but I had enough money saved to enjoy alot of him in  his first few months.

Have I mentioned that I am thankful for my Family?  I am thankful that Jenny said "yes" 10 years ago to becoming a Jones, not knowing how hard it is to "keep up" with us, but she has earned a spot in the Jones family tree as a wife, mom, aunt, sister, daughter,cousin and granddaughter. Who only knows what the next ten years will  bring, but I know she wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you Jenny.

My daughter Emma, who is now 7 and in second grade, is starting to remind me of someone I knew at her age. She likes to read and do math spontaniously during the day, sometimes more that she likes to play with toys or video games. She is always a big sister and friend and sometimes surprises me how generous she can be. I still wish she was her brothers age sometimes, but as I learn to carve out time for just her and I, I find new ways to appreciate her.

My son Lincoln is getting bigger and stronger each day. Sometimes he becomes Batman-Lincoln and takes down the evil-Daddy-doers on the couch. Its a small fight for the one that he endures daily against our worst enemy, leukemia which he was diagnosed with July 1st this year. He fights for his life because he knows his life is just being a little boy right now, and that is what is important for him.
I am also thankful that he lets me "rest" in his room most every night because I cherish every minute I have with him.

I am most thankful for the families that I have both across the street and around the world. My wife's parents, who invited us to live across the street in a brand new manufactured house about 5 years ago, have been there for us in ways I never imagined "in laws" could be. From taking our kids all day on their day off so my wife can work, to spending nights in the hospital with us recently, Bob and Mary have done it all and my thanks will be as unending as their generousity. My mom and dad, as well have reached out to us from over 120 miles away, to help us whenever we needed it most, and sometimes in the time of their own greatest needs. Thank you Bob and Mary, Rick and Cheri.

Our family has grown beyond our brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles and cousins this year. From out facebook friends who have supported us, to the community of families who have kids with cancer, I want to thank you for your prayers and support. Truly one of the greatest gifts are the people who can take just a few seconds from their busy lives to drop us a message of hope and strength. It is a priceless thing to use social media to make such a huge difference in peoples lives.

Now the things that I will be thankful for in the near future are a cure for cancer, another day with my son, another year with my family and the chance to give hope to those suffering, because we are all suffering, and we all need hope, and we can have it if we turn our greed into gratitude.

God is good and he has some great people to be thankful for including you who are reading this right now, Thank you from the bottom of my heart, have a greatful Thanksgiving, and God Bless, Brian.

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