2017 Finale Video

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Facing the Truth

Yesterday I got some exciting news that could bring our journey with children's cancer to the next level! Not too long ago I heard about a group of people who wanted to raise the bar when it comes to pediatric cancer awareness by using the most powerful tool known to man in the new millennium, the Internet and social media. If you caught on to the Kony 2012 campaign that took a viral spin on the Internet with over 92,000,000 hits and thousands of volunteers trying to catch this killer, then you are going to have a hard time missing what's going to happen September 13th, 2012. The truth is that somewhere in this country at the rate of nearly 2 children per hour, 365 days of the year, a family will face the reality of the life threatening diagnosis of pediatric cancer. From this day in history a push will be made to reveal the truth that cancer is the #1 serial killer among children who take no other risk than being alive.

As I have faced this reality myself with my son, I have made it my life's mission to take action in this war against cancer for children who deserve a chance at life. Now I have an opportunity of a lifetime to join in leading the charge in this social media campaign that will hopefully turn the heads of our countries leader, celebrities, academic institutes, hospitals and charities. With the stream of volunteers flowing in we are going to see waves of people who will give their heart and soul to make people believe that kids all over, sometimes next door or down the street, deserve a chance at life. This campaign will undoubtedly aim to string together organizations that are already founded in raising funding for children's cancer research. The use of media to produce the level of awareness will be in the form the film http://www.facebook.com/theTruth365film. We are already excited to see the level of support as this film is being introduced on this page and we hope it continues to grow as the volunteers form teams who will turn this film into a life saving operation.

If you have already heard about The Truth 365 film but you have not taken action, don't wait another minute to make your voice be heard. We are still recruiting volunteers and forming teams that are ready to storm the battlefront for the lives of our kids fighting for life. I will take names and suggestions on how we can further promote the film via social media and will be asking for dedicated volunteers who will soldier through until the event begins.

Until then lets see if we can share the films page through the end of July to get 5000 likes. If you have a Facebook Page such as http://www.facebook.com/redcarpetkidsforthecure you can Use Facebook as your Page, go to http://www.facebook.com/theTruth365film, click LIKE, go to Update Info, Featured, click Edit Featured Likes and select The Truth 365 film so it will be a permanent fixture on your page for everyone who visits it unil we see 5000 Likes on the page. Then comment on this blog and let everyone know that you have supported the page =)

You can also add a link to http://www.facebook.com/theTruth365film to your webpages or blogs like this one does and I would suggest a countdown clock to give people a sense of urgency for this project.
I don't know how many people use Twitter, but they probably use it more than me. Google +, Pintrest, My Space, you name it, you can use it to promote the Truth 365 film. We don't all have to overwhelm facebook, but it you haven't seen anyone share the page in a few hours, take inititave. Remember this is all volunteer based and the goal we all have in mind is to save the lives of innocent children who can't do it alone. Any questions or requests to volunteer can be asked to me or on the page http://www.facebook.com/theTruth365film and we will do our best to involve everyone who is willing and passionate to give to this project. Thanks for your support and remember its for kids like these.

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